Taking Out Trash

By Parv Parkhiya, Akshit Gandhi, Shubham Garg, Zhihao Zhu

Robot autonomously capturing trash bin

Modeled picking and placing trash bin skill using manipulator arm of Locobot robotic platform as Gaussian Process (GP) to enable imitation based skill learning from single demonstration

The objective of this project is to design a robot which can move a small trash can from its original place to a target place. Basically, what it should do are as follows: first, it should be able to navigate in the working environment. It should be able to detect the trash can, and move towards to it by using visual servoing. Then, it can use some grasping mechanism to carry the trash can with it and move to the target position. Finally, the robot puts down the trash can in the target area, and moves itself back to rest area. When conducting its mission, the robot should be able to hold the trash can steadily and not spill the trash out of the trash can. In addition, the robot is going to operate in the corridors in the teaching building, it should have a suitable physical size and make very little noise.

Parv Parkhiya
Parv Parkhiya
Roboticist, Gamer, Storyteller

Roboticist, Gamer, Storyteller. My interests include 3D Reconstruction (SLAM), AI, Video Games and Storytelling